Our reputation in the grocery industry is stellar. We went against the industry norm and disregarded the policy of “no refunds” until 2009 due to a customer not understanding our policies on prior items that were “all sales final.” Salvage groceries are just that, "salvage." In one case, a less than honest customer attempted to take unfair advantage of our salvage grocery policy. We discovered how to circumvent that issue thanks to our in house general counsel and legal staff”, and we had to enforce the "all sales are final" policy and refunds.  We are no longer, providing refunds under any circumstances unless our supplier sends the wrong order or the load is damaged in transit, in which case, the freight company will be providing a refund.” Our privacy policy is very solid, fair and honest and cannot be misunderstood and it is clearly stated on the website and in our emails. We are fair and sometimes, mediation is necessary and we pledge to mediate matters when and if necessary.

We believe that avoiding legal ramifications over such policies is good business. We are a pre-emptive company that believes in fair and honest dealings and our team of private investigators, legal counsel and support staff fully investigate complaints should they arise. Our current nationwide suppliers have exceptional reputations and the highest quality groceries available on the market. Our company was only one of only a handful in the nation that would ever consider refunding a customer under any circumstances. Due to our desire to keep the company reputation solid and operate with integrity above all costs, we made the refund decisions and put our customers above company profits. This further enhanced the company standing in the industry.  For an interview, please email us at: MancusoMartinEntertainment@Gmail.com